央视记者的中式英语V.S.地道的赞比亚英语 附高难度听写..

昨天…CCAV又亮了…  我相信这位记者不是故意的,绝不可能临时工顶替的…






Q: Anjou? What's your view about the 5 BRIC countries?

A:Oh~ firstly, the 5 BRIC country play an important role in the global balance of power, both in political as well as the economic level. I mean the main reason the important is because before they imagine these new powers of global economy. Economy domains was by the traditional western powers which mean that for the developing welled this created the imbalance, when it comes to engaging in the global contacts which guide to our trade and investment interest such developing countries.

Q: How do you say china’s development in recently years?

A: China’s developing does been very phenomenal the average in grows about 10% [……] in average GDP growth. I did represent it lots of [..]for us as a developing countries but more importantly, it plays a big role because of the development happening in china. They plays a big role intense of been a cross for our investment and trade interests, our developing welled.


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